Car air conditioner may increase fuel consumption and harms health ~ forex trading jobs in usa

With the advent of summer and high temperatures most motorists tend to run the air conditioner. The work that has already cut the temperature inside the cabin, but it will be at the expense of fuel consumption, and in some cases also on health.
She explained the German car expert Anya Smitanin to run the air conditioner while driving leads to increased fuel consumption by about two liters per 100 kilometers. So it is advised to run the air conditioner when driving long distances; where that feel the impact of the conditioner is almost negligible when the conduct of the car for a distance of less than 5 kilometers, but the open windows may be more effective than running the air conditioner.
She Smitanin, a member of the German Transportation Club (VCD), it is better to also make a ventilation process of the car before driving, and the open car windows minimize the effort air conditioner in the beginning, that again will be closed all the windows of the car after starting the car and before you run the air conditioner, as Preferably run conditioner on the first stage, and then increase the degree after a few minutes later.
Air distribution correctly as noted, should be directed towards where the windshield of the car to ensure better distribution inside the cabin, and there are some systems that allow air directed at certain ranges in the cabin.
Advises spokeswoman for the German club directing conditioned air to the drivers seat, if it is only by the passenger, which works largely on providing more of the cars fuel consumption unnecessarily.
On the other hand, Smitanin stressed the need for the temperature in the cabin should not fall below the outside temperature at a rate of more than six degrees, taking into account the cold air is not directed directly to the passengers body, in order to avoid injury to colds.
The German expert that the ideal temperature for car air-conditioner ranging between 21 and 23 degrees Celsius, stressing the importance of an examination to tighten air conditioner against infusion every two years, so as to ensure that no leakage of refrigerant.
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