Tips to keep the Car ~ forex trading jobs johannesburg

Tips to keep the car
Do you want to keep your car constantly and always keeping it in stages safety Read these tips carefully: -
1 engine oil level gauge:
At the level of the level of oil measuring car engine, you must first that the car is in the level of horizontal, and that is run the engine until the normal operation temperature, and then turns off the engine to shut down Alkontakt key and wait about five minutes, then lifted the oil gauge of place engine and cleans well with a cloth contains no dander, then place placed once again the engine and raise the notes oil level, and must be between the two brands of size and ICON higher than the upper mark or less from the bottom mark, and should not be oil and the engine level measurement in the case of the rotation because it would give a statement is not set to the level of oil engine.
2 tire air pressure:
When air pressure gauge tire must be calf cool, because the pressure gauge after a long way drive works friction between the frame hurry the car and the road to increase the hottest tires and thereby increase the air hotter inside relieved the pressure, and then gives incorrect reading of the value of the pressure inside the tire.
3 oil (liquid) brakes:
Failure to provide oil (liquid) brakes at low elevation in a box (safe) brake fluid, because the low brake fluid level indicates erosion Brake Linings and gives the opportunity to bulb brake statement that light up in the dashboard, but when supplying brake fluid Viakl Alltel without giving any statement to the driver As the bulb did not light up the brakes. Is supplied only when the brake fluid leaks or when you change any of the internal parts of the course. We must ban severe when using brake fluid because the severe impact on the car body paint, and that spilled happened on the body of the car must immediately poured amount of water on the position of the brake fluid on the body of the car.
4 battery cable:
Should you change or repair any electrical parts car to begin disarming cable (Qattash) negative battery from his place in order to avoid the lack of electric Palace electrical circuits drive, as well as when you change the battery, you must first disarm cable (Alqattash) negative then disarm cable (Alqattash) positive. And before removing any of the battery cable must first make sure that the ignition switch (Alkontakt) in the closed position, and that all keys Lights closed, even parts damage does not happen conductive half Semiconductor Circuits E drive.
5 high temperature engine:
At higher temperatures the engine suddenly, you should immediately warm Yemeni take of the road and stop car in a safe place from the side of the road, and immediately be closed ignition switch (Alkontakt) to turn off the engine running around, then open the hood (Alcabot) cautiously notes the following : there are no leaks water cycle cooling and work to prevent or repair and change such steps, make sure the safe operation of the cooling fan, and after that the engine can be cooled to open the radiator cap and make sure there is water inside, as well as to ensure the safety bladders water radiator and be inside the water up to the level required , ensure the safety of the radiator cover, ensure the safety of the radiator itself and the lack of anything that obscures the air with him.
6_ on the road:
Avoid walking on the road behind the trucks loaded with (sand or gravel or brick or drums or any lengths, such as iron or wood skewers, etc.) where all this gallery to fall at any moment suddenly in front of you on the road leads to incidents ominous. Or at least possible that the blowing sand on the windshield of the car, he spoke by scratches or double Vtaatlv glass, or flaking bricks on the ground Vilv Kurtirh engine oil.
7 change the spark plugs (Albogerat):
Take into account before changing the spark plugs (Albogerat) of the car that inflates around well compressed air to clean dust that may have accumulated around, and after removed from its place must rotate the engine several laps Palmarc so he can squeeze the engine of cleaning dust on the bolts candle existing Bush cylinder and ask, outside, and make prevents the entry of dust into the engine cylinders and lengthens the life of the engine, and then you can install the new Albogerat after confirming adjust the clearance gap of size recommended.
8 radiator water supply:
When the detection of Water radiator Do not open the hot radiator and the engine cover so as not to rush hot water pressure you Faisepk burns. Preferably water radiator supply through bladders radiator until the upper mark the level, and noted that the water level in the bottle radiator increases and decreases automatically depending on the state of the engine, it is more than a hot engine and decreases when the cooler the engine, due to the increased pressure and dislocation that occurs Balrdiatir during heat and cold. When you fill the radiator through the neck hole is hot wait until cool slightly and slowly open the lid, and then running the engine while the water supply until the new mixes cold water with hot water around the cylinders do not result in harm (curvature) in the (u cylinder).
9 determining voice brake:
When you hear the whistle sound when you press the brake instead, and you can not determine the source of the sound, whether it is from the front brake? Or background? Then drive the car at medium speed, then Mark gearbox in neutral status, and gradually lift the handbrake while driving, if the sound is released from the rear brake that is not issued from the front brakes.
10 static electricity:
Maybe you feel an electric shock light when you exit the car door and touching your hand to the car body, especially after a long driving time, do not worry because this is a natural phenomenon known as electricity static may occur under certain circumstances, especially if the outside air is dry, and can not be prevented, but can be minimized by wearing cotton clothes and distance from the clothing manufacturer from synthetic fibers and takes into account that in the leadership chair as well, and when you leave the chair leadership does not leave it suddenly but slowly, and before getting out of the chair tried to hold your hand any metal part of the body of the car to unload your shipment static through.
11 petrol stations:
Some petrol stations does not respect extreme accuracy in the liquidation of gasoline out of the water tanks, when to accelerate the car and hear the voice of the (railway), a semblance of the power set in a circle primers engine is controlled (no electricity increase), especially if your car engine works injecting mail which does not need to Adjust tuning primers because primers are electronically, it indicates that you have filled consist gasoline car from one of these stations do not deal with her again
12 light bulb battery Baltabloh:
When the light bulb battery Baltabloh with open Alkontakt remain lit even after the engine is running, it means a defect in the charging circuit, either a battery Atstqubl shipping to the presence of an internal defect by, or that the shipping its regulator defect, or that the dynamo does not give the voltage required to charge the battery because of Internal defective, or that the conduct of the dynamo relaxed and non-taut or lump sum, in this case must stop the car and find the cause of the defect, or deposit the car to the nearest electric cars.
13 period of the initial softening of the engine:
While the engine is running during the annealing of the new engine, or who have been the work of public Umrah during the first period of operation (1000 km) for the first advised the following: not to increase the motor rotation at high speeds, and avoid the hot engine start, and the lack of high-speed driving for a long time, and must Do not download large car loads, Qatar and the lack of any trailer in this period.
14 color car engine oil:
Some motorists rejoice and flaunted in front of his fellow drivers that his engine oil is still the color has not yet been put change in the engine and the car several kilometers, and the fact that the function of lubricating oil in the engine is clean the engine outputs friction moving parts inside, this must color guide changes that it does its job as it should, either in color did not change after several kilometers it indicates that the oil used is not his job and leave the sediment inside the engine.
15 color exhaust hood:
In normal operating conditions imposed that the exhaust gases out of Alchukman without color, but there are three types of exhaust gases out of Shukhman car in certain cases each of which has different from the other color, and which can diagnose the engine, if the exhaust White continuous color with normal operating situations and in all circumstances, it indicates that there is a leak of cooling water into the combustion chamber and penetrate him, and if the exhaust color gray opening tends to black it indicates the burning of a large amount of fuel in the combustion chamber which indicates the need Alkrberatir to adjust (fuel tuning with air), and if the exhaust color Cyan it is proof that there is a burning oil lubrication in the combustion chamber, which is evidence of the need for reform of the engine.
16 upgrade your car on the ground
That you are complaining of low car level on the ground, making sure safety assistants and spring walks immediately to one of the approved specialized centers and ask if you can upgrade your car on the ground, but does not take the advice of one put the upper rooms of the spring from the bottom and from the top, actually, because it will raise your car on the ground, but it will lead to damage assistants, and cause roughness in Aallhh while walking.
17 the smell of gasoline while driving car:
When there are frequent complaints from the smell of petrol Niee while walking away, you must first make sure that there is no leak of gasoline from the fuel cycle, and then make sure the correct settings for the engine, especially at highway speeds, then the lack of vent exhaust from Alchukman, then make sure the verdicts Interior good for hobbies for rear trunk of the car, and then finally to make sure its good judgments when you close the rear trunk lid of the car so that its Atserb exhaust the car to the inside.
18 Kahrah smell while walking away:
When sniff smelly especially during walk away, or when the rotation hood, lift the car on the Couric lift and look under the car along the pipe Alchukman usually the reason is adhesion part of the plastic bag to pipe Alchukman with high temperature burned the pipe and dissolves them and dry with cooler pipe and not the engine rotation, and burn again with the engine and the heat pipe Alchukman rotation Thus, Vanzaa this part and clean the place well.
19 detect the battery status:
Should not detect the battery case Qtbhe connect the ends of a cable or a screwdriver, because this leads to a stream AMP high traffic crash parts of the internal battery, and heartbreaking active on the boards of the article.
20 right place to wait for the car:
Beware of leaving your car in the path of wrong like and placed under the direct light of the pillars of Lights public road, or placed directly under the public electricity wires, or put the car in the face of direct thermal effect the output of factories, all of this has a negative on the painted body influence the car.
21 connected to an external battery car battery
If necessary to activate your car battery by giving an initial shipment by external battery from another car by connecting Verai cable when it bidden party one cable terminal positive to your car battery (weak battery charger) first and then tip the other connects Pole positive external battery, then one of the parties arrive Cable Pole other negative external battery, and the other tip to the negative terminal of the battery of your car .. This arrangement is very important not to damage the electronic drive units.
22 How to use the Marche in the car:
It is not permitted to insist on the car engine management, when Aigoy initially Movement (Marche) it leads to premature battery consumption without interest. But then run the Marche intermittent so for a period of not more than running the Marche (10 seconds) and then wait 30 seconds between each period, which followed until it starts Marche in the ignition.
23 manipulating the electrical connections of the car:
In the car that contain electronic circuits, and takes into account the caution when manipulating its electrical circuits (such as installation, cassette, or installing a warning system, or change the battery or .. etc .. because any error in the electrical connections will result in damage to electronic units and will cost a lot, so advised to make any repairs or combinations within the authorized service centers
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